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How do I pay out tips to my professionals through Qwick?
How do I pay out tips to my professionals through Qwick?

Businesses can pay tips to professionals using the Dashboard.

Qwick Support avatar
Written by Qwick Support
Updated over 11 months ago

After a professional clocks out of their shift, you can pay them for any tips they earned via the Pay Tips section of the To Do tab on the Dashboard. The red circle next to the Pay Tips section indicates there are tips that need to be paid. (The number inside the circle references the number of instances of tips that need to be paid.) Tips can be paid in three easy steps.

Step 1: Filter your search

Navigate your outstanding shifts by location and date. After selecting a location, you’ll see which dates still have shifts with outstanding tips. (Alternatively, you can use the search box to the right of the Pay Tips screen to search for a particular professional's name within that particular shift.)

  • Location - Only locations with outstanding tips will appear in the location drop-down list. (Note: A dropdown won't be available if your business only has one location.)

  • Date - The Pay Tips section of the To Do tab defaults to the date with oldest outstanding tips that need to be paid. Users can filter by date by selecting from the date picker. When adjusting the date, only dates with outstanding tips will populate in the drop-down.

  • Shifts - Once you’ve selected a location and date, click on a shift card to pay professional's outstanding tips for that shift. You can also click on the shift ID in the shift card to see further shift details.

Step 2: Specify the tip payout amount(s)

After selecting a shift, specify the amount owed to each professional. If a professional didn't earn any tips during their shift, click the three vertical dots to the right of the "Tips amount" box and click “Mark no tips earned” in the dropdown. (If “No tips earned” was added in error, it can be removed by clicking the three menu dots again.)

Step 3: Pay out owed tips

Once a tip amount(s) have been added, click “Yes, Pay Tips” at the bottom of the screen to pay professionals their earned tips. We recommend paying tips ASAP after a shift, but no later than 7–10 business days after the shift is completed. Professionals may depend on this as a source of their income, so we want to ensure they receive the tips they’re owed in a timely manner. Note: The maximum amount you can pay in tips is $400 per professional. If you mistakenly paid a professional the wrong amount, please text Qwick Support at 79425 and we can help you correct this payment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost for me to pay out tips via Qwick?

The fee to pay tips out via the dashboard is 5% (added to your tips invoice). There is no extra cost associated with paying tips out in cash.

What do I do if I want to pay out tips in cash (either immediately after the shift or at a later date (e.g., at the end of the week)?

Businesses won’t need to use the To Do tab to pay out or record cash tips that have been paid out. Only shifts with tips paid through Qwick will show up on the To Do tab. Shifts with tips that are paid in cash should be handled according to your normal process.

How does a shift with tips impact the recommended minimum amount pay rate?

Qwick calculates all of our recommended minimum pay rates for each shift based on the livable wage in that market. Thus, paying tips doesn’t impact the minimum hourly rate you set for your posted shift. We’ve found that shifts with tips are highly sought after by professionals and can help distinguish your shift from others.

Who can pay out tips?

Currently, any business user who can sign into the dashboard will have the ability to pay out tips.

Why do only some of my shifts appear in the Pay Tips section?

Only shifts that have outstanding tips owed to a professional will appear in the Pay Tips section. If you’re not seeing a shift within Pay Tips that you know a professional is owed tips for, please check that you’ve selected the correct shift, shift date, and shift location. If you’re still experiencing issues, please text Qwick Support at 79425 and we’d be happy to help.

What if a professional earns tips on a shift that was posted without tips?

In these cases, please text Qwick Support at 79425 and we’ll help you manage your shift.

How will the professional be notified that I paid their tips via Qwick?

Professionals will receive a text from Qwick at 79425 indicating that their tips have been paid. The professional can then receive their tips via Standard Pay, similar to their paycheck payout process after they've worked a shift.

How and when am I invoiced for tips that are paid via the dashboard?

A separate invoice will be generated for the tips that you paid to your professionals after all the tips for that shift have been entered. You’ll be invoiced for this amount the day after those tips are paid via the dashboard. For example: Bob works a five hour shift on Monday and receives $100, plus an additional $50 in tips. After his shift, you confirm and pay Bob the $50 in tips he’s owed. On Tuesday, you’ll receive two invoices: one shift invoice for $100, and one tips invoice for $52.20 ($50 + 5% Qwick processing fee). Payment of outstanding invoices will follow your normal invoicing terms.

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