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FAQs for Professionals
Most frequent questions asked by Qwick F&B professionals.
How do I get started with Qwick?
How do I edit/update my Qwick profile?
How does updating my city affect my profile?
What is orientation?
What is QwickScore?
Do I need a food handler's card and/or an alcohol certificate?
Can you help me log in to 360training to complete my certification course(s)?
How can I be successful with Qwick?
How do I clock in and out?
Working Shifts with Unpaid Breaks
What are Bonuses?
How do I start working shifts?
How do I confirm a shift I want to work?
Can I request a specific shift(s)?
What can I expect for my shift?
When can I take a break?
What happens if the shift is canceled or goes shorter/longer than scheduled?
What happens if a business cancels a shift I accepted?
What do I do if I’m running late for—or need to cancel—a shift?
What happens after I finish working my shift?