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Shifts with tips 💸
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Written by Qwick Support
Updated over 11 months ago

Some shifts include the opportunity to earn tips in addition to the set hourly rate. Look out for the “+ tips” indicator on the shift card (and in the shift details screen) to identify which of your matched shifts may include tips as part of the pay. (Please note: Shifts with tips may not always have tips to be paid out.)

If tips aren’t indicated on the shift card, you should assume that it doesn’t offer the opportunity to earn tips.

If you’ve earned tips on a shift, your tips will be paid in one of the following ways:

  • In cash - Some businesses pay professionals the tips they’ve earned in cash, usually immediately upon completion of the shift.

  • Via Qwick - Some businesses pay tips through the Qwick platform via Standard Pay, which can take up to 2–3 days to process after a business pays out tips.

If you have questions about the way a specific shift will pay out tips, the best person to ask is the onsite manager once you arrive. If you have questions about tips that you’ve earned, please text Qwick Support at 79425.


How long does it take for a business to pay tips?

Every business is different, so the amount of time it takes to pay out tips varies. That said, we’re committed to ensuring you're paid your earned tips in a timely manner. As a general rule of thumb, tips are paid within 10 business days after the shift.

I worked a shift that was supposed to pay tips, but I haven’t received them. What should I do?

If it’s been 10+ business days since your shift and your tips haven’t been distributed, please text Qwick Support at 79425 so we can inquire with the business.

Which shifts or shift types are more likely to earn tips?

Businesses offer tips on an individual shift basis. This means that you may see the opportunity to earn tips indicated on some shifts, but not on others. If “+tips” isn’t indicated on a particular shift, it’s safe to assume there won’t be an opportunity to earn tips.

Is it possible to receive tips on a shift that doesn’t indicate “+tips” in the description?

It’s safest to assume that tips can only be earned on shifts that indicate “+ tips” on the shift card and in the shift details.

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