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FAQs for Businesses
Learn how to get started and be successful with Qwick
How do I get started as a business?
Understanding Account Permissions and Settings
Rating Qwick Professionals
What happens if I don’t like the professional you send me?
If I like someone, can I request them again?
How do you vet your professionals?
How do you rate your professionals?
What happens if a professional rates us poorly?
What certifications do your professionals have?
What positions can you staff with your professionals?
What is the cancelation policy?
How do I post a shift?
What is the minimum time a shift can be posted?
Can we set up recurring shifts?
How far in advance do I need to post a shift?
Where can I explore who is on my shift?
Why did I receive more professionals than I requested?
How do professionals clock in and out?
What happens if they don’t show up?
How do I add freelancers to future shifts?
What happens if the shift is shorter than scheduled?